Thin coat render is a modern coloured render finish. Very flexible and less crack resistant. Breathe able and available in different grain sizes and any colour. Applied as the finish part of the system. Comes pre mixed by manufactures of choice. Silicone Silicone thin coat is most popular . Premium modern and sleek. With its […]
Fibre glass mesh is an essential part of our render systems. Fibreglass mesh is a key component that holds the system together. Without it your missing out on strength and are more liable to cracking. Mesh is made from fibreglass this type of mesh is widely used in rendering. For wall reinforcement, external wall insulation […]
Have you ever noticed the wallpaper peeling back in places? Or the paint work flaking off the walls at home. Not to worry approved plastering systems are here to help. With tell tale signs and ways to prevent it. If you do notice damp issues it is also better to deal with problem sooner rather […]
There are lots of houses and buildings that would benefit from an EWI system. We know our heating and lack of insulation contributes to our carbon footprint. EWI is a great way to upgrade the look and efficiency of your home So what is a EWI System and why should we have one? EWI insulates […]
We recently helped transform a 1.6 million Property in Formby
We recently completed the full showroom at Amari supercars
Skimming is a plastering art that needs great attention to detail. As it’s the internal finish prior to being painted. Catching ,the set at the right time is key to a top finish. Experience of different backgrounds is also key to winning the gauge. PVA Blue Grit or Thistle Bond-it These backgrounds are prepared to […]
Most renderers have been there waiting for the render setting with work lights on a dark cold night. Rendering in cold conditions is all about What render you use? Choice of mix Preparation work What additives to use if any? Just because the weather is cold temperatures doesn’t mean you can’t render. As a general […]